VAR`s To Provide Free Color Printers To Customers

Released on: April 7, 2008, 5:57 am

Press Release Author: Dennis Walthers

Industry: Computers

Press Release Summary: Through a unique partnership between and, thousands of Value Added Resellers can now place Business Class
Color Printers in US Businesses and Non-profit Organizations for Free!


VAR\'s To Provide Free Color Printers To Customers

\"This is the first Free Printer program to be offered to Value Added Resellers\" Said
Dennis Walthers, the President of based in Texas.

He added \"This partnership actually allows a VAR the ability to profitably place
high performance color printers in US based businesses and non-profit organizations
for free\"

A new portal site has been created for the VAR\'s with information and an on-line
secure application for their customer.

The free printer program provides a choice of four color printers
from the Xerox Phaser line up. One of the selections is the 8560MFP/D, a 30 page
per minute color printer, copier, scanner, and fax that is network ready and able to
handle automatic two sided printing. This product is valued at approximately $2000
and is provided free with two years of on-site service repair that is valued at

The customers only obligation is to purchase a quarterly shipment of supplies at a
30% discount. Customers are billed monthly at $99 to $199 depending on which unit
they select.

A Video about the free printer program is available at this link:

The only criteria for qualification is good credit. There is no minimum or
maximum number of prints or monthly report required.

Mr. Walthers of commented; \"Free is the business model of today.\"

The March issue of \"Wired Magazine\" featured a cover article titled \"Free! Why $0.00
is the future of business\". The Free Printer program is a good example of this trend
in business.

\"With this new partnership with Promopipeline, The Free Printer program becomes a
reality for many organizations in the US looking for a way to acquire the latest in
color printer technology without the up front expense.\" said Mr. Walthers.

Colin Martin the President of had this to say about the new
partnership program:

"We are very pleased to offer the partner program to the
PromoPipeline VAR member. The program is innovative and one of a
kind in the VAR community. It has all the elements of a successful add-on for Value
Added Resellers; it has service, automation, training and best of all - a healthy
VAR commission. In a world that always seems to have a catch, the
Partner Program is nothing but good news for VARs and their customers."

According to the web site, has placed thousands of color printers
in all 50 states in the US. Here is what one of their customers had to say about
the program.

\"We are extremely pleased with our new FREE laser printer. We have printed company
brochures and business cards, which look very professional with brilliant color! We
were very impressed with the fast service as well.\"

The Free Printer Program was introduced from in 2003 and offered directly to the business customer
via their web-site. The company plans to rapidly expand the business model with
partnerships in the computer industry channel.

Promopipeline positions itself as the premier conduit of information for the VAR
channel providing effective communication of programs and promotions to over 3700
VAR\'s, per their website.

Dennis Walthers
(214) 764-3526

Colin Martin
(866) 372-0329


Web Site:

Contact Details: Dennis Walthers
(214) 764-3526

Colin Martin
(866) 372-0329

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